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Friday, April 25, 2014

Strength Training Movement Index

Strength Training Movement Index
Below you will find a collection of strength exercises. All of these movements have a video that can be viewed by copying and pasting the link into your browser. Please let me know if you need any further help with the strength workouts(jrobbins@okemomountainschool.org).

1) Two-Legged Squat- Make sure your stance is shoulder width apart or a little wider. Look straight ahead at wall/mirror. Push through heels, shin angle (knees track over toes), feet can be slightly toed out or straight ahead foot position may be used. You can use arms out in front to counter balance and keep the pressure through the heel, use non-weighted bar overhead as advanced body weight movement. Add weight with dumbbells, sandbag, or bar (toe, knee, hip, alignment).
Body Weight Squat:

2) Single-Leg Squat- Stand on one leg. Flex down with the ankle, knee, and hip simultaneously while pushing through the heel keeping hips level. Then extend non-weighted hip and foot back tapping toe without transferring any weight to it.  To advance this movement, put one let out in front and squat down. This is a very tough movement as can be seen in the more advanced single leg squat video. To help make the transition from beginner squat to advanced squat, try doing the advanced squat while standing on a box and using a pole that is touching the ground for balance. .
Beginning single leg squat:

More advanced single leg squat:

3) Bulgarian Squat (Elevated Split Squat) - Put your calves against the bench and step forward. Put your back foot on the bench with NO WEIGHT OR PRESSURE ON IT. Now flex your forward leg and press through heel to straighten it. You can counter balance with hands in front. Add weight by using dumbbell, sandbag, or in advanced cases the bar. Use a heel wedge if you can’t keep your heels on ground (focus on front leg).  

 4) Crossover Step Up-  Start with feet side by side next to the box.  Crossover one leg in front of planted foot into a lunge position on a step up box. Then push down through heel, flexing leg muscles. Then push up, bringing the leg that is not on the box over and raising the knee. Then bring raised knee back down to the ground, do not toe tap as suggested in the video.

5) Side Step Up- Start with feet side by side next to the box. Step with closest foot onto box. Flex leg that is on the box and push down through middle foot and heel. Then bring floor leg and knee up and squeeze/tense leg muscles. In a controlled movement lower raised leg back down.  Step off box and repeat.

6) Front (Forward) Step Up- Same as Side Step Up just stepping forward instead of to the side.

7) Forward Lunge- Lunge forward, flex the ankle knee and hip while keeping a flat back. Remember to keep knee, toe and hip aligned straight ahead. Do not let knee track past toe.  Then push up through the heel driving through the heel as you extend the hip up. Use weight for this exercise when it can be completed with good form and is age appropriate. Video Forward Walking Lunge with Dumbbells

8) Side Lunge- Lock your non-lunging leg, fall to mid-foot then ball of foot in side lunge position make sure not to step out so far that you have trouble getting back to your neutral position, then push back up; think “push don’t squish” during this exercise. Use weight for this exercise when it can be completed with good form and is age appropriate.  

9) Crossover Lunge- Crossovers in front of straight, planted foot, catch with heel, and then come back; remember to “push not squish.” Make sure your step out is not so far that you have trouble getting back to a neutral position. Use weight for this exercise when it can be completed with good form and is age appropriate.
Crossover Lunge with Dumbbells Video:

10) Good Mornings- This is a hamstring exercise done with no weight usually as a warm-up. Put non- weighted bar on back (same position as if going to squat) and lean forward bringing you shoulders down as your butt extends back. The pressure should be through the heels here.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Enyhrsu5bAE

11) RDL- Get in athletic stance with knees slightly bent. Then go down with flat back pushing the butt back as the shoulders go down. Make sure as you get back upright you extend through the hip and squeeze your leg muscles. This can be done with dumbbells in each hand or a bar.
Dumbbell RDL Video:

Barbell RDL:

12) Single Leg RDL- In this exercise you will have one dumbbell in the opposite hand of the leg you have weight on. Then think about setting the weight on a tray at the same time you will swing your non- weighted leg up like a teeter-totter. Make sure the teeter-totter leg swings straight back and not out to the side.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLcSb-_dfFQ&list=PLj093vcOwkccFjsEEY0_IhkVDixFrmi1O

13) Hamstring Bridge- Using a weight bench or partner, lay flat on the ground and put heels onto bench or into partner’s hands with knees bent at a 90 degree angle(unlike what is shown in video).  Put hands out at sides using a fist to stabilize. Engage by pushing heels through bench and raising hips up, then go back down (maintain hip position, toes straight up).

14) Hamstring Single Leg Bridge- Use same stating position as Two-Legged Hamstring Bridges, but this time put one leg up in the air, keeping the heel pointed to the sky. http://dartfish.tv/Presenter.aspx?CR=p95158c57633#!AQECAAECAAEBAQAAAAEBARRwOTUxNThjNTc2MzhtMTMzNDUzOQAAAA%3d%3d

15) Physio Ball Hamstring Curl- Lie with your back on ground and put your heels into the ball. Then extend hips up, keeping body in a straight, rigid position. Then use hands to brace at your sides and roll ball to you and back, while still maintaining high hip position and driving the heels into the ball.  Get to 30 double-legged easily before going to one-legged curls.  

16) One-Legged Physio Ball Hamstring Curl- Same as above Double-Legged Curl. This time the only difference is one leg is off the ball and held straight. http://dartfish.tv/Presenter.aspx?CR=p95158c57633#!AQECAAECASHhAAABAQEAAAABAQEUcDk1MTU4YzU3NjMzbTEzMjg0NTEAAAA%3d

17) Nordic Hamstrings- Have a partner hold your ankles down while you are kneeling on a soft surface. Then lower your torso down, controlling the movement without using your arms. Catch yourself at the bottom with your hands and push yourself right back up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEib4dlTUms

18) Bench Press- Lay down on bench with bar over chest. Make sure to take an even grip on the bar and keep wrists straight. Bring the bar down until your arms are at 90 degrees, and then extend back up remember to drive shoulder blades into the bench.

19) Triceps Extensions- Take a dumb bell in both hands and form a “v”, then bring over your head and extend your arms down to 9- degrees and then back up. Make sure to keep the weight straight and controlled.

20) Push Ups- Get into push up position, by keeping your arms slightly winder than shoulder width apart. Then push up keeping entire body straight and ridged. You should almost touch your nose to the ground when lowering yourself down in a push up.

21) Dips- Put palms on bench (or anything elevated, box, chair, etc.). With arms slightly flexed, make sure to keep arms as close to the body as possible. Put legs out slightly flexed or straight to increase difficulty. Lower yourself down to 90 degrees, and then extend back up.

22) Pull Ups- Grip bar with palms facing way from your body. Then pull yourself up bringing your chin over the bar. Try some of the variations in the video - close grip, wide grip, or palms facing inward. Many athletes will not be able to do many pulls ups until they build up more strength. Use a partner to help or a band if available.

23) Dumbbell Bent-Over Rows- Put the arm and leg that are not being used to lift the dumbbell on the bench. Keep the back straight and the spine neutral. Pick up the dumbbell and keep arm slightly bent, lift the dumbbell up keeping the back flat.

24) Dumbbell Shoulder Press- Pick up two dumbbells and hold them so your arms are out and parallel to the ground with elbows bent. (Arms should be at 90 degrees.) Press up, then control down. Remember to control the core.

26) Standing Dumbbell Side Raise- Stand straight with dumbbells at your sides. Raise dumbbells up with elbow slightly bent. When you get up to the top of the movement, your arms will be out at your sides and slightly above your shoulders. Tip the dumbbell forward; this will engage the shoulder muscle.